Multidisciplinary team
The multidisciplinary team behind the Duchy Pain Clinic
We have a team of nurses and therapists who specialise in understanding and treating the psychological, physical and functional consequences of living with long-term pain.
Specialist Pain Physiotherapy
Our physiotherapists will address the role that physical deconditioning plays in developing and maintianing chronic pain. We will review your current activty levels and help you increase your strength and mobility using personalised graded-exposure exercise programmes.
Specialist Pain Occupational therapy
Our occupational therapists will address how chronic pain is affecting your ability to do the things that you want or need to do. We will help you understand your condition and develp more effective ways of coping with and managing your pain.
Multidisciplinary team
Kate Fleming, Advanced nurse practitioner
Jayne Thomas, Advanced nurse practitioner
Kayley Mills, Specialist nurse
Sarah Medlicott, Specialist nurse
Bernie Booker, Specialist nurse
Sarah Jervis, Occupational therapist
Kate Hassell, Physiotherapist
Meet the team
Medical team
Multidisciplinary team
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